To the Congregation of First-Faith United Methodist Church,
This is to announce that through the discernment of the Cabinet of the Great Plains Conference and in consultation with the Pastor Relations Committee, your pastor for the Appointive Year 2020-2021 will be Pastor William (Ray) Stone.
Pastor Stone will bring strong ministry to the mission field of the Grand Island area and will continue to lead your ministries forward in service to Christ. This appointment is to begin July 1, 2020, and as with all appointments will be fixed at the time set for Annual Conference.
We appreciate the works of ministry within your congregation and trust that you will make every effort to build on the many assets of the ministries of First-Faith alongside Pastor Stone. Know that you are continually upheld in the prayers of the leadership of the Great Plains Conference.
May God’s richest blessings be yours,
Rev. Lance S. Clay
Prairie Rivers/Elkhorn Valley District Superintendent, Great Plains Conference